To be honest, TGIF is lost on me since I’m coming off of two days off (though I’m not sure you can call them days off if you stuff them full of things and still have a massive to do list daunting you) and am working the next four! Good thing I love my job, and the weekends are the busy days when shifts are even faster than normal.

I’m up earlier than planned this morning (my alarm was set for 7:30 but I’m already up and ready to go for the day). I had a different breakfast than normal. Next time I’m feeling adventurous, I’d like to try overnight oats like I see on PBFthe edible perspective, carrots n cake, and so many other blogs (apparently if you wanna be a blogger, this is what you eat!).

grapes, cottage cheese, all bran, kashi, and walnuts with cinnamon!

I’m heading to the pool soon and hoping this breaky sits well (I have a pretty strong stomach, but I’m new to swimming so we will see). I’m nervous enough as it is for the swim workout…it’s full of “short and fast sets with plenty of rest” apparently, but my problem with swimming is that I really only have one speed! I’m excited though, because I’m going to try an outdoor pool that a couple of friends (inspiration in the form of fellow triathletes and varsity swimmers) have mentioned.  It’s an earlier morning swim for me today, but that’s only because I’ve got to be to work for 11:00!  I’d like to get to this pool when the sun is shining (don’t worry, I’ll be sunscreened) this summer to keep things interesting. I am only working until 5:00, but I’d like to get this swim in early because I have a feeling it’s going to be a gorgeous evening.  Since I’m working the next couple of days, I’m not sure if I’ll be up to anything exciting (or to be honest, I don’t have anything exciting to get up to — London is still new to me / aka I don’t have a whole ton of friends here), but still!

I have extra motivation in the form of new goggles. I was going to return them, but my other pair are kind of leaky and then Rachel saw these ones and said she always uses them (I made a good random impulse purchase choice, for once? SCORE!), so I think I’ll keep ’em!  I’m not sure if goggles are like shoes and have a certain lifespan. So much to learn!

new goggles = motivation

of course they're pink!

Happy Friday!

Do swimmers wear their suits to the pool? What do you wear on top? (Yes, I’m serious. This is all new to me.)
What’s your favorite brand of goggles?
Have you ever tried overnight oats? Tips or fave recipes?

Do you prefer to work out in the morning or the evening?
Do you have a group of friends you can count on (if it’s Friday, you know you’ll be with them, etc.)? How’d ya meet? Want to add a goofy triathlete to your group?

2 responses to “TGIF

  1. Hey Cheryl!

    Love the posts you been sharing, specially all the talk of triathlon training! The goggles you just bought are a personal favourite of mine! I always wear that style/make. You can even get them with tinting if you are swimming outside! I wish i was in london with you, that way we could do some swim workouts together! You seem to be working really hard, and i admire that! Keep it up girl, you are inspiring me to keep on my training schedule, lol!


    • Meagan! This is my first time being ‘hardcore’ enough to swim outside. The goggles were AWESOME. I saw Lenore at the pool today and I thought of you! How is everything going at home? Which race are you doing?! 🙂 Wanna do an ironman in a few years with me???

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